Wednesday 28 November 2012

Bath Haul!

On Sunday I went to bath! Which is actually the hometown of Zoella who you probably all know and love as much as I do. 
I really did love the place. I'ts very beautiful and the shops are lovely. It was bearabley cold so that it felt Christmassy. 
I went with my 'bub', 'chum' Megan:) who is a great shopping partner may I add. We went into Starbucks and said our names were Zoe(me) and Louise(Megan). 
Enough explaining lets get onto what I bought! 
The first thing I bought was a MAC lipstick in the colour Hue. Zoe said this was her favourite nudey pinky colour, so I tried it on in the shop and absoluetely loved it. I had 6 empty MAC containers so I traded those in for Hue for free.

I then bought quite a few nail polishes.   I bought 3 Revlon colours called Radiant, Pink Nude and scandalous. They were on a 2 for 3 deal in Superdrug.  
In boots I bought a Rimmel eyebrow pencil in the colour hazel which was £2.99 and then I got the Batist dryshampoo in the flavour original in its bigger form and that was £1.99. I also got 2 nail varnishes from Rimmel in peppermint and clear. And finally I got the very popular 24hour colour tattoo cream eyeshadows by Maybelline. All cosmetics and nail thing were on a buy one get one half price so all the cheaper items were half price.
Also in this months Glamour magazine there are Nails inc. nail polishes so I picked up two so I have the light pink and the blue. I really want the gold but cannot find it anywhere. What a pain.

That is it. That is what I bought:) I was happy with my purchases.
Bethan x

Thursday 15 November 2012

Autumn/Fall Time

I absolutely love Autumn. It's just such a lovely season and the fashion and makeup looks are really nice for the October/November/December time.

Oxblood is a very in colour for the season it's like a dark burgundy/red colour. It's been all over the red carpet. But unfortunately I don't own anything oxblood yet. But don't you worry, I'm on it.
You can also contribute oxblood and Burgundys into your makeup. They are popular on the lips but I'm not daring enough to wear it on my lips so my trick is to dab if onto the lips and blend it in to give a more natural finish and then it's sure enough. My favourite lipstick to do this with is reckon lip butter in raspberry pie, it's a lovely wine colour. I also love goldy/bronzey shades on the eyes:)
I just love the autumn and can't wait for more blogposts on autumn/fall. And don't forget winter is here soon too.
I'm off to bath in two weeks with 2 of my best friends and in going to find some autumn staples for my wardrobe. And I'll do a blog haul because they are very popular.
A few more posts I'm going to be doing are:
Fashion inspiration pictures for autumn
^^straight after this
My autumn photography
A few of my outfits for autumn
Makeup looks for autumn

What are your favourites for autumn and what are you looking forward to this season?

Sunday 7 October 2012

Blog on my phone?

Hey there I'm currently writing this from my phone:) there's a blog app did you know? I think you just have to type in Blogger and it comes up and it's free! Then you can blog on the go:D YAYY:)

Bethan x

Monday 10 September 2012

Summer Bucketlist: Things I failed at...

Unfortunately this is the end of the summer bucketlist for this year:(
I know my last two summer bucketlist posts were the wrong way round so please dont shoot me *Putting my hands up*

So these are the things I failed...

3) Run into the see in my swimsuit without a wetsuit(the sea where I live is really cold, and i hate saltwater)
4) Get a tan, I normally burn    
6) Make Summer Collage7) Buy some stacking braclettes!
8) Buy a cream blush
9) Decorate an Iphone case
10) Bake Brownies:D
16) Water Marble my nails again(copied Ffions, ooops)


I am truly sorry I am rubbish. But I have a plan...

I am going to continue doing this over this year and see if I can succseed to complete it by the end of 2012:D
I know this was a quick little post but it was quick too write so

Bethan x

Friday 7 September 2012

Summer Bucketlist- colourful makeup, beach and the 100m

Another three things!
Your probably thinking well you posted another post yesterday and these things were before that. Its just that I dont want to make posts too long or too short so its best to put three things in each:)

Lets start with colourful makeup:) Ive ventured into wearing some diffrent coloured makeup instead of browns, champanges and blacks(basicly neutrals).


Blue eyeshadow underneath my eye

The blue underneath the eye:)

An Oranegy bronzey

I've also gone to the beach this summer on the 1st week of the holidays:)
My godmother has a caravan in west wales which is about three hours drive from where I live. But I love going there because there is a beach and a reallty nice one too, not one of those really shabby ones...

But as I said I went there a few weeks ago:)

My feet;/

Cheerio for now
Bethan x

Summer Bucketlist: Shorts, Tidy Bedroom, Blogposts, jeans,

Hello Strangers;)

Yes, I know I have not written for this blog for quite some time. I'm very sorry. But it's almost the end of summer so I thought I would get my last Summer Bucket List post up. I'm going to do a post after this of the things I failed and my idea for that aswell:)

Ok, I'm going to start with 'snazzing up a pair of shorts' I quote. I did this with my best friend Megan. She is so pretty and so funny just to let you know. Anyway we created rainbow shorts. If you havnt seen any or heard of them, then go check out this video by Andreaschoice on Youtube. She's amazing what can I say...

Anyway so here are some pictures of me and Meg creating the shorts:)
We started with the yellow and made our way out:)

I'm gonna spray you;)

Meg doing her blue section:)

Mine are on the right and Megs are on the left

Here's me with the 'drying' shorts
Yeah so these were a ton of fun! They were suprisingly easier than we thought so we were pleased. I've worn mine a few times now! People won't lose me I'll tell you that. If you were wondering we got our dye from John Lewis and they were in little sachets for like £5 each. But Im sure they sell them in fabric stores, big department stores and haberdasheries.

The second thing is my room. I've 'mostly' made sure it was always tidy. But I dont have any photos because I will do a full room tour when I'm completely satisfied with my room:)

Next I've been doing blogposts so I've ticked that one off my list.

And last of all I havn't always worn jeans so yeah I'm happy about that:)

Bethan x

Friday 17 August 2012

Summer Bucketlist: Sleepover, BBQ's, nail art brushes & Smoothies

Hey There, How are you all doing? I've completed some more 'to do's' on my bucketlist.

 I'll start with the sleepover. I had a 'sleepover' with my friends:) Just two of them though:) Ella and Kate. We did blindfolded makeovers and stuff:)

Ella did my makeup:D

Yeah as you can tell we are great at doing blindfolded makeup artists;) If you want to book us then let me know;)

I also had a few BBQ's. Which was on my bucketlist! YAAAYY! I do love a bit of BBQ food. Not as much as pasta but you know.

I also odered nailart brushes from ebay and they've came. There were also two little fan brushes that came with it:D I use them for my high lighter:)

Nail art brushes
The two mini Fan Brushes

I've always struggled with list thingys with giving another word instead of 'next' and 'now', if you get what i mean. So I'm just going to talk about the last thing Smoothies:)

I am a big fan of Smoothies:D They are soooooooo delicious! So recentely after nagging and nagging we finaly got a smoothie maker! Now I make smoothies all the time:D I could write a post on some of my favourite recipies if you'd like:)
Here is one of the Smoothies I made, It doesnt look the most appetising, but I can tell you it was delicious:) I think it had strawberries, blueberries, rasberries and pinapple juice:)
Thanks for reading
Behan x

Saturday 11 August 2012

Summer Bucketlist- Dip Dyed Hair

Yaaaayyayyaaayy! I dip dyed my hair. I dip dyed it pink:D
My mum let me finally, i had been nagging her for ages and she finally said yes. It took lots of persuasion.
Anyway here is a picture:

 I like to do weird faces:O

In a pony tail(sort of);)

The Hair Dye that I used:D

More Dip Dye:)
 Anyway After I post this I'm gong to be writing a few more posts:)
Cheerio x

Tuesday 24 July 2012

My Summer Bucketlist:)

OMG! It's been almost a month since I've posted on here! I'm ashamed of myself:(
 By the way Japan was amazing and I'm thinking of writing another post about that:)

Anyway, I've kind of stole this idea from Ffion who is one of my school friends she also has a blog.
Her blog is about her summer bucket list which is basicly things she wants to do over the summer. I'm now going to create my own and then post things as I go and then at the end Ill do a little post on the things I failed to do:)

On to the list...

1) Want to dip dye my hair pink! o'r coral maybe...(If my mum let's me that is)
2) Have a sleepover with my friends(An easy one)
3) Run into the see in my swimsuit without a wetsuit(the sea where I live is really cold, and i hate saltwater)
4) Get a tan(I normally burn)
5) Snazz up a pair of shorts
6) Make Summer Collage
7) Buy some stacking braclettes!
8) Buy a cream blush
9) Decorate an Iphone case
10) Bake Brownies:D
11) Have a few BBQ'S
12) Keep my bedroom/'Crib';) tidy
13) Keep writing posts for this blog:)
14) Buy nail art brushes from Ebay
15) MAKE SMOOTHIES! (We bought a smoothie maker!)
16) Water Marble my nails again(copied Ffions, ooops)
17) Not wear jeans to often:/
18) Wear colourful makeup sometimes:P
19) Go to the beach
20) Watch the 100m in the Olymipcs(on Tv of course)

That was quite hard actually. None of them are very challenging but it's just for a bit of fun:) Everytime I succseed/complete one of these I will post about it:)

Aurevoir(or however you spell it...)
Bethan x

Tuesday 26 June 2012

My Nail Polish Collection- O.P.I

Hey There! Today I'm going to be showing you all my collection of O.P.I brand nail polishes. This might be a lot for some of you, and a tiny amount for others. I personally don't think I have that many, and will be purchasing more when i go to Japan on the 4th of July. We will be stopping at an airport in France so I will look there(if I do get any I will be sure to do a haul)

Ok so my first lot I have to show you in the biggest amount I've purchased in one go, it is the Best Of The Best collection. The colours are;
Alipine White, Bubble Bath, Tickle My France-y, Strawberry Margarita and Cajon Shrimp. 

From top to bottom: Alipine White, Bubble Bath, Tickle my France-y, Strawberry Margarita and Cajun Shrimp

Here is the other box that was attached in this box there are;
I'm not really a waitress, You don't know Jacques!, Lincoln Park after dark, Big Red Apple and Russian Navy.
Top to bottom: Big Apple Red, I'm not really a waitress, You Don't know Jacques!, Russian Navy and Licoln Par after Dark
 Now the bext is the first set I ever got and I purchased this in November when I went to Belgium on the ferry. This is the brights collection and they consist of;
That's hot! Pink, Atomic Orange, Teal the cows come home and the Rapidry Top coat.
Left To Right(if you couldn't guess already)
Teal the cows come home, Atomic Orange, That's Hot!Pink and Rapidry top coat.

Now these three are the only full sizes I have the first one I purchased was Koala Beary, out of these three:) These are;
Clubbing 'till sunrise, Koala Beary and Be a Dahlia Won't you?
Left to right- Be a Dahlia Won't You?, Clubbing 'till Sunrise and Koala Beary

Koala Beary

Clubbing 'till sunrise

Be a Dahlia Won't you?

Be a Dahlia Won't you on the nails(they were a rush job as you can tell)

 And so yeah that's it! Hope you enjoyed!
Leave a comment telling me your favourite O.P.I polish, or if you havn't tired any which one would you like to try?

Sayonara(goodbye in Japanese;) )
Bethan x

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Plain Blog?!?

The way my blog is setup is completely different to how it was when i had my old blog so try to forgive a plain blog for a while because I have no idea how to put some colour into the background and a nice banner on the front yet so bare with me, it might take a while:( Any ideas how? If so please help it would really help me! Thank You:D

Toodle Pip!

Hey There!

This is my first post on this blog and Ive had Blogs before and completely ditched them i probably wrote a post every 3 moths saying how I would try and write a blog post more often but unfortunatly it didnt work. But on this Blog Ive promised myself that I would write once a week(let's see how long that lasts...)

Anyway more about me:

My name is Bethan and I couldn't think of a name for this blog so 'Bethaano' was the most original I could think of:D I love to sing, dance and act and I also love fashion and beauty(which is what this blog is going to be about). I am also going to Japan on the 4th of July so there will be a post on that aswell! Oh yeah and I'm 14 years old and live in Wales in the UK:D
Yes I speak welsh...

Here is a photo of myself;)

Being Posey...

Also follow me on Instagram for pictures of me and my life:)
Username- bethanmarie13