Friday 17 August 2012

Summer Bucketlist: Sleepover, BBQ's, nail art brushes & Smoothies

Hey There, How are you all doing? I've completed some more 'to do's' on my bucketlist.

 I'll start with the sleepover. I had a 'sleepover' with my friends:) Just two of them though:) Ella and Kate. We did blindfolded makeovers and stuff:)

Ella did my makeup:D

Yeah as you can tell we are great at doing blindfolded makeup artists;) If you want to book us then let me know;)

I also had a few BBQ's. Which was on my bucketlist! YAAAYY! I do love a bit of BBQ food. Not as much as pasta but you know.

I also odered nailart brushes from ebay and they've came. There were also two little fan brushes that came with it:D I use them for my high lighter:)

Nail art brushes
The two mini Fan Brushes

I've always struggled with list thingys with giving another word instead of 'next' and 'now', if you get what i mean. So I'm just going to talk about the last thing Smoothies:)

I am a big fan of Smoothies:D They are soooooooo delicious! So recentely after nagging and nagging we finaly got a smoothie maker! Now I make smoothies all the time:D I could write a post on some of my favourite recipies if you'd like:)
Here is one of the Smoothies I made, It doesnt look the most appetising, but I can tell you it was delicious:) I think it had strawberries, blueberries, rasberries and pinapple juice:)
Thanks for reading
Behan x

Saturday 11 August 2012

Summer Bucketlist- Dip Dyed Hair

Yaaaayyayyaaayy! I dip dyed my hair. I dip dyed it pink:D
My mum let me finally, i had been nagging her for ages and she finally said yes. It took lots of persuasion.
Anyway here is a picture:

 I like to do weird faces:O

In a pony tail(sort of);)

The Hair Dye that I used:D

More Dip Dye:)
 Anyway After I post this I'm gong to be writing a few more posts:)
Cheerio x